Summer Solstice Shrub Sale

June 21, 2024




"Sand Cherry" Prunus Pumila

"Apache Plume" Fallugia paradoxa
"Wax Currant" Ribes cereum
"Leadplant" Amorpha canescens
"Big Mountain Sagebrush" Artemisia tridentata
"Fourwing Saltbush" Atriplex canescens
"Fernbush" Chamaebatiaria millefolium
"Dwarf Rabbitbrush" Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
"Rabbitbrush" Ericameria nauseosa
"Prairie Sage" Artemisia ludoviciana
Perennial Forbs:

"Coronado Hyssop" Agastache aurantiaca
"Blue False Indigo" Baptisia australis
"Alkali Sacaton" Sporobolus airoides
"Sand Lovegrass" Eragrostis trichodes
This pop-up sale is IN PERSON!
Please bring a credit/debit card. We will not be able to take cash.
Prices will range from $19.99 (average) to $44.99 (specialty items).
High Plains Environmental Center
2698 Bluestem Willow Drive
Loveland, Colorado 80538

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