High Plains Environmental Center


Below is a summary of HPEC/HPF funding.
· HPEC receives no funding from the Lakes Metro District or Lakes Master Homeowner Association dues.
· HPEC operational costs are funded through native plant sales, revenue from land management services, and by donations (as a non-profit 501c3).
· A 3-party agreement between High Plains Foundation, The City of Loveland, and Centerra Developers assesses a one-time fee when building permits are issued within certain portions of Centerra. This funding is intended to create an endowment to cover the costs of managing the 76-acre property and trails surrounding Houts Reservoir and Equalizer Lake, (owned by the High Plains Foundation) in perpetuity and without additional funding from the City of Loveland or Centerra residents.
· A transfer fee of .02% of home sales is collected by the HOA manager of High Plains Village and The Lakes at Centerra communities on behalf of HPEC. It is a requirement of the Transfer Fee Agreement that funds be used first for the payment of an exclusive lease of the surface rights of Houts Reservoir and Equalizer Lake, secondly for the “building and operation of the environmental center.” Any residual funds (after payment to GLIC) are used for the purposes of capital improvements, infrastructure maintenance, or for contribution to the HPF endowment fund.