Expertise: Special Projects Manager, City of Loveland, Retired
Greg George has over 48 years of experience providing managerial, administrative, and leadership services in the fields of city and regional planning. His primary goal has been to influence decision makers to recognize the importance of protecting the natural environment.
Greg worked for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) from 1971 to 1988. He was manager of the Development Review Division and later Principle Planner in the Long Range Planning Division. As Principle Planner he led an interdisciplinary team of soil scientists, hydrologists, engineers and planners in the development of an assessment system to identify the environmental sensitivity of 18,000 undeveloped residential lots in the Tahoe Basin. The Individual Parcel Evaluation System (IPES) has been used by the US Forest Service to purchase the most sensitive lots to protect the water quality of Lake Tahoe.
Greg worked for Pima County, Arizona from 1988 to 1993 as the Comprehensive Plan Administrator. He led an extensive stakeholder outreach effort to develop a new Comprehensive Plan for the County. The key objective of the plan was to limit the spread of urban development around Tucson to protect the unique environment of the Sonoran Desert.
Greg moved to New Zealand in 1993 and worked for Waitakere City as the Manager of the Development Review Section. New Zealand had just passed the Natural Resources Management Act that highlighted and reinforced New Zealand’s commitment to “clean and green” policies. In that capacity Greg experienced first hand a nationwide commitment by decision makers and the public in general to give the remarkable natural environment in New Zealand the highest priority.
Greg worked for the City of Loveland, Colorado for 22 years, starting as the Current Planning Manager and then as Director of the Development Service Department. Later as Special Project Manager he led an extensive stake holder outreach effort to develop a new Unified Development Code (UDC). The UDC combines the subdivision, zoning and annexation codes and updates development standards to incorporate the newest trends in urban development. By unanimous vote the Planning Commission recommended approval of the UDC and City Council unanimously approved the UDC in 2019.